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ID 4975550
CID bafybeifhts7dntue3tstpoy7k7utdaagjrqxnsprpedq4hyljaarpbllpu
Sha256 201d62df1184b3df15317e7e64d30e08422f8c47b6f5bfac014e42ab2bc2d4de
Md5 045b2a3e51182e5403815bdee6be7041

256 bafkreihg6qogicokzpg6xztslpcfmjk6pbcwix2l2oyuqgn35cmyesinya
512 bafkreicof6aplsmwpgx5hxctffxndllvpjwnjdkbxkfuodom6jlyuvvhgm
1024 bafkreiff43wu7ahi4gravgufbds2m4vlsrrf7nntgsqxibqkkqncqjfr4i
Adult rating Zorua thinks Vulpix doesn't know that it's an illusion. In reality, Vulpix is perfectly aware, he's just waiting until he gets a fire stone. That way, he can reveal the truth that he knows after he evolves into a Ninetails, and Zorua will look small in comparison even at his normal size. Then, of course, he'll make Zorua do the illusion anyway. And he'll gush over how cute and small he is until he's red in the face, just like always. Edit: I FORGOT TO COLOUR VULPIX'S FORELEG BROWN AND CAME BACK AND FIXED IT LATER, DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!!

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